As a resident of an apartment, there are a number of steps you can take to improve security. Protect yourself and your property should be one of your main concerns. I will help you with some suggestions from you, your home a little safer, a bit safer.
First, let's talk a little about doors. If you moved in, the manager should have changed the lock on the door. Sure, the previous tenants in its key re-emitted, but keys can be copied. Soif the locks were not changed, who knows how many people could be out there running around with a key to your apartment! The framework of the door should be in good condition and solid. You should have at least your standard lock and key. The throw bolt should extend into the framework of 1 ", and should the strike plate with 3" screws that are backed up long enough to anchor them on the stud. Finally, if you have a peephole, useit!
Sliding Doors. You should have an adjustable door rail or "Charlie bar" to slide from someone, keep them open. Even a broom handle cut to length to work really well. Sliding doors are well known, easy to jimmy open to. Another thing to consider here is, you should use an anti-lift device. These doors can only be lifted and pushed off. After all, that is, how they were installed: You can have anti-lift pin assembly, install the half and the sliding pin is secured,Seats in the framework of the stationary half. A second possibility is to sheet metal screws into the top rail every few inches with the screws should be screwed partially onto the heads exposed enough so that pushing the door to prevent it at the same time that the door is lifted to install.
On the subject of windows, everything that is used with sliding doors, sliding windows to see. Moreover, there are brackets, place the rail to the window, which will allow you toOpen the window a little for ventilation. It should enable them to the window is no more than 6 ". Another device you can check to open, a glass breakage alarm. When the window or door is pushed, or broken glass, it sounds like a really annoying alarm, hopefully alerting your neighbors!
With the windows and doors out of the way I want to consider a few suggestions to add. First, cameras and alarms. Let us assume that the bad guys succeed in the event of a break-even with all thePrecautions that we have made. With a well placed hidden camera, you may get some good shots which would cause a tremendous help to the police. You can use these cameras with everything you (camera, DVR, etc.) in everyday objects such as clocks, radios and fans built.
I mentioned alarms. Perhaps you do not want to get a monitored system for your home. However, you can get an alarm system that you were raised when the alarm is called. These usually come with the option of sounding an alarm(make sure to know your neighbors!) or a silent mode.
For those times, you're not at home, you should have your lights have a timer. You could even put a TV or radio on a timer. If it looks like you're at home, chances are really in your favor the bad guys come to miss you. One more thing before we move outdoors. Document your stuff (video, photos or written records), including make, model and serial number. After this is done, tenants will receive insurance! It's cheap!
Outside ifThey have a balcony or terrace, you may consider a motion activated light. It's not a bad idea, even if you are not on the first floor. Make sure that it works all of outdoor lighting and shrubs or other plants do not provide loopholes in front of windows or doors. If the lighting needs to be replaced or plants, trees, etc.. need to be circumcised, let it be known the management and follow-up. Finally, get to know your neighbors and look out for another. Know who belongs and who does not. This can go a longWay to live in your apartment complex to a safer place.
There are a variety of ideas, and I do not mean to say you need them all! You can pick and choose what you think for you and your budget work. In large part, your safety and the safety is off to you, proactively. Be aware and stay healthy!