Thursday, April 15, 2010

Knock Knock Burglaries - Could You Be A Victim?

As ever, burglaries are rife and many people will have experienced this unfortunate event or know of someone who has. As with any "career" and I use this term loosely, there has to be a degree of keeping up with the times. Indeed burglars are always coming up with new and creative way's of gaining access to a property to pilfer people's hard earned possessions.

One particular "trick" being seen in more and more circumstances is the use of distraction methods. This has coined the phrase "knock knock" burglaries and is certainly not as humorous as the name suggests. Usually the thief will operate in conjunction with a friend who will come to your front door once they have ascertained that there is only yourself at home.

They will then employ various methods to distract you whilst their counterpart enters your property from the rear. This could range from simply pretending to be from some local authority, such as the gas/electricity or water board or taking on the guise of a salesperson. Anything really to distract you for long enough to take what they want from your property (and this usually isn't very long at all).

Of course if you are unfortunate enough to experience a burglary whilst you are not at home the best you can do to lessen the impact of the situation is ensure you have a home insurance policy in place covering for the correct value of your contents. Many people still do not realise the importance of such a policy and the peace of mind it can bring. Imagine if you returned to find your home ransacked and £30, 000 of content removed, could you afford to replace this from your own finances? Of course this would have to be an extreme case and indeed most burglaries are purely opportunistic with the thieves getting away with mainly electrical items and jewellery.

Of course you can do your utmost to ensure your home is protected by installing extra window/door locks (should you need them) and an alarm system with sensor lights to the rear of your property (and anywhere else poorly lit). This should also help decrease the price of your house insurance policy as you will be of less risk to the insurer.

By ensuring access to your property is limited and security systems are in place you should greatly reduce the risk of a burglary taking place. Ensuring you have a home insurance policy in place will give you that little extra peace of mind.

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